Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Day fit for a princess

So i'm not a big fan of little kids. A lot of them are very annoying and obnoxious. However.. there are a few kids that make the cut and i enjoy their company. One of those kiddos is Katlyn. Her mom is a good friend that I work with, and invited me to her 3rd birthday party that was fit for a princess.

me on facebook to see the rest of the pictures.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bro. Stephen Show

Scott Kirkpatrick is probably one of the coolest dudes i've met in my 21 years of life.  Since late 2009, Scott or Bro. Stephen, has been working on his new debut album called "Baptist Girls" which is due out later this year in July.  I am super pumped and stoked that Scott is living his dream.

me on facebook to see the rest of the pictures.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

ART: It's What for Dinner

 Everyone has a hometown that they represent, that they take pride in.  I love Louisville.  It has so much history, and history usually translates into a sweet photography.

me on facebook to see the rest of the pictures.